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Has COVID-19 pressed Nature's "RESET" Button? Truth revealed!

We are constantly being fed with real-time data on COVID-19. Whether it is news reports, blogs, websites of global monitoring agencies or television/radio shows, every institution is delivering the latest updates on your screen. Though an end seems far away, amidst all this negativity, there seems to be an upside which should be making mankind cheer with joy. 

The prevalent conditions are giving a necessary relief to nature! Several instances of Nature Healing itself are emerging from around the world. Water, Soil, Air, Wildlife and Forests are getting to enjoy an environment that is free from human interference. The levels of pollution have fallen and the vibrancy in nature seems to be at its peak.

This is a consequence of Lockdowns being announced and implemented by governments around the world. Keeping people off the streets and commercial activities at bay are paying considerable dividends to nature. In this blog post, we will throw light on how nature is rejuvenating during this unprecedented phase.

Water Bodies are Getting a Chance to Breathe

With factories engaged in the production of the automobile, heavy machinery and other industrial activities closing down, following government guidelines, no more chemicals being dumped into the water bodies. Also, the cargo movement has been limited to essential items in large parts of the world. 
The impact is that the water bodies are becoming bluer and flowing undisturbed due to the absence of human onslaught. There have been reports that in the absence of human presence, dolphins, turtles and other aquatic animals have been spotted playing joyously, near the shores. A remarkable sight to witness indeed! Yamuna, Ganga and other major rivers are flowing, breathing a sigh of relief. 

Air is Becoming Fresh

Thousands of aircraft fly in the air every single day. In addition to that, the emissions from vehicles, railway transport and factory activities contribute to air pollution. But over the last couple of months, all these activities have come to a bare minimum, across the globe. This has resulted in the air becoming cleaner and fresh which is definitely making life better.

A Stanford University researcher had concluded that lockdown in only the Hubei province of China, the epicentre of the virus, had led to a reduction in air pollution that could prevent around 50,000 to 75,000 people from dying prematurely!

In India too, big metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Bengaluru are witnessing this healing of the skies. The air quality has improved considerably. In certain parts of the Himalayan range, the mountains are visible from a far distance, a sight not seen in recent times.

Animals Get some time alone on In their Natural Habitat

We have indeed infringed upon the privacy and habitats of even wildlife animals for our personal entertainment. From caging and getting animals, birds and aquatic animals to zoos to setting up wildlife safari parks where humans visit to please their sight. In addition to this, we have also carried out deforestation for industrial purposes, further taking away the share of animal land.

But the past few weeks has somewhat changed the trend. Due to the lockdown, animals are spending a jolly time at the zoos and safari parks. No visitors are coming to disturb their peace. Animals are also getting a free run on the highways, roads and other motorable transitways. 

Peacocks, elephants, deers, monkeys and other animals have been spotted roaming freely in several areas of human settlements across the world, and even in India. For a while, they are rightfully getting a chance to enjoy their space on the planet.

Trees, Plants and Flowers Adorn a Brighter Look

Lockdown has resulted in everyone staying indoors but if you had a chance to step out while going to buy some groceries, you must have witnessed something fascinating. There is an effulgent glimpse that you must have definitely captured. The leaves and flowers on the plants/trees seem to be so fresh and bright. Even the smell is mesmerizing and the sight so serene.
As the vehicular movement has almost dropped to zero, except for lorry carrying emergency and essential services, the CO2 emissions being released into the air has significantly reduced. Also, with infrastructure activities being halted, fewer dust particles are flying into the air. The result is for us to see. It is a remarkable sight to see how plants and trees have adorned themselves with an enchanting appearance. It almost feels like they are newborns that have only grown in the last few weeks.

Peace is echoing in the environment

Railways, waterways, road and air transport are all major contributors to noise pollution. While we as human beings have learned to live in acceptance or specifically have the luxury to close our doors and windows, to escape from its impact, sadly animals do not have this option!

With fewer engines and machines out there, there is a sense of tranquillity in nature. The sound of birds chirping and eagles flying high in the air is echoing unchallenged. We can even hear the waves of wind gush past the leaves. The feeling to witness this gives rise to an inexpressible expansion in the heart.

The Conclusion: Nature has Forced Humans to Value the Earth

We do not need a scientific eye to believe this. Just peak out of the windows and look at the skies, water bodies and plants/trees. We can see them basking with joy. Though they may seem to be the same old streams, leaves and skies, there is something so fresh and new about their existence today.

Sit back and enjoy this eternal beauty. Who knows that when we will get a chance to marvel at this impeccable sight. The biggest positive about the Lockdown has been that humans have been forced to value nature. The nature that was undergoing constant human onslaught in the disguise of urbanization has now made us realize that we cannot absolve ourselves from the responsibility we have towards the planet.

After the lockdown ends, we should not resume life as it was. We need to respect the resources that nature has given us and this is the best time to introspect and plan for corrective actions going forward. It’s time we give value to Nature before it forces us to value Mother Earth and Nature.